Blast Resistant Buildings

Our Commitment to Safety:

CID’s blast-resistant buildings are engineered with a singular focus – to withstand and mitigate the impact of explosions. Our commitment to safety is unwavering, and our designs incorporate the latest advancements in blast-resistant technology to ensure the highest level of protection for our clients. Our designs have successfully been deployed to both foreign and domestic locations and we have an excellent safety record.

Key Features:

  1. Advanced Materials: Our buildings are constructed using advanced materials, including high-strength reinforced concrete and steel, known for their ability to absorb and dissipate the energy generated by explosions. This ensures that the structural integrity of the building is maintained even in the face of extreme forces.
  2. Blast-Resistant Design: Every aspect of our buildings is meticulously designed to be blast-resistant. From the layout and placement of structural elements to the incorporation of specialized windows and doors, our engineers leave no stone unturned in creating a structure that can withstand the unexpected.
  3. Modular Construction: CID’s blast-resistant buildings often utilize modular construction techniques. This not only expedites the building process but also allows for a high level of precision in manufacturing. Modular construction ensures consistency and reliability across all units, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the building.
  4. Site-Specific Adaptations: Recognizing that every environment is unique, our engineering team conducts thorough site assessments to tailor our blast-resistant buildings to the specific needs and challenges of each location. This ensures that the building is optimized for its surroundings and potential risks.
  5. Compliance with Industry Standards: CID Associates adheres to the highest industry standards for blast-resistant buildings. Our commitment to quality and safety is reflected in our compliance with relevant codes and regulations, providing our clients with the assurance that they are investing in a structure that meets or exceeds established safety criteria.

Applications of CID’s Blast-Resistant Buildings:

CID’s blast-resistant buildings find applications across a range of industries and sectors:

  1. Industrial Facilities: Protecting personnel and critical equipment in industrial settings where the risk of explosions exists.
  2. Military Installations: Safeguarding military personnel and assets in areas where security is paramount.
  3. Energy and Petrochemical Sites: Providing a secure environment for workers in facilities handling volatile materials.
  4. Government Buildings: Ensuring the safety of government personnel and vital infrastructure in high-risk areas.
  5. Emergency Response Centers: Creating resilient structures for first responders to operate from in the event of disasters.

Contact Us:

CID Associates is located at 29 Ekastown Road (Route 228), Sarver, PA 16054. For inquiries about our blast-resistant buildings or to discuss your specific needs, please contact our dedicated team:

  • Phone: (723) 353-0300
  • Fax: (723) 353-0308
  • Email:

At CID Associates, we take pride in providing cutting-edge solutions that prioritize safety and resilience. Invest in the future with CID’s blast-resistant buildings – where innovation meets unwavering dedication to protecting what matters most.